Basic Steam RCON Example (Rust)

Posted on Jan 22, 2017

After spending time over Christmas coding a tool to query Steam servers for information. I’ve now been taking the next steps… Sending data to a Steam server!

For this example, I’m going to be using a Rust Dedicated Server, to send a simple command, then in future posts show how I sent scheduled commands (such as adverts, messages and other routine tasks which you would expect a Rust server to run).

First things first, after learning the hard way; Don’t run your Rust server with rcon.web = 1. It’s a new protocol, and I found it almost impossible to get working. Maybe if I had more time and patience, I could have cracked it. However, using the old protocol (which I assume is steam’s rcon protocol) is much easier.


Here’s the startup command I used when starting the Rust server (notice “rcon.web 0”):

./RustDedicated -batchmode +server.ip +server.port 28015 +server.tickrate 30 +server.hostname “Server Name” +server.identity “rust-server”  +server.maxplayers 250 +server.worldsize 3000 +server.saveinterval 300 +rcon.web 0 +rcon.ip +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password “Password” -logfile “gamelog-2017-01-22-22-47-05.log”

Code time!

Again I’m using xPaw’s SourceQuery. Here’s a simple example of how to send a command via RCON: